Worked on in work package 12, lead by CUERVA
The project faces the challenge of creating a comprehensive verification framework for the implementation of sensorization in the Spanish and Greek demonstrations, covering the Bermejales, Bérchules, La Vega, Makrochori, and Asomata plants. Throughout the project, various models will be developed with the aim of improving the environmental monitoring of these hydroelectric plants. These models seek to advance predictive maintenance, allowing for more efficient facility management. Additionally, work will be done to create a flow prediction model, contributing to a more precise and sustainable planning of hydroelectric operations. The implementation and validation of these models will be an essential part of the challenge, providing a comprehensive approach to optimizing the operation and performance of the plants over time.
Solution in prospect:
WP12 proposes a solution through the development of a precise and adaptable verification and validation framework. This framework will integrate various data sources, such as vibration, acoustics, temperature, voltage, and current, to provide a comprehensive view of the equipment's health. Additionally, environmental monitoring will be conducted to reduce the impact on the surroundings of activities associated with the hydroelectric plant. To achieve this, activities will be carried out to define the framework, assess its impact, and detailed planning of validation cases. Implementation and pilot validation, continuous evaluation of validation sites, and detailed case studies will also be conducted to highlight export potential in key international markets. The final evaluation will include the analysis of aggregated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and presentation of results without compromising sensitive operational information.