Di-Hydro – Digital Maintenance for Sustainable and Flexible Operation of Hydropower Plant
Duration: October 2023 - September 2026
Funded by: European Union HORIZON Research and Innovation Programme (under the topic HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03-08/Development of digital solutions for existing hydropower operation and maintenance and responds to the Call HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03/Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply)
Countries involved: Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Spain, Romania
Website: https://dihydro-project.eu/
Description: Di-Hydro’s innovation involves introducing a Decision-Making Platform and Digital Twin technology to the hydropower sector. Di-Hydro introduces digitalised tools to enhance their operational performance and environmental sustainability, empowering sustainable energy production through the development of cutting-edge digital and smart tools for hydropower plants. The Di-Hydro technology will be tried in three use cases in Greece, Italy and Serbia.